Monday, April 19, 2010

The patch

Here's the patch after all the excess stuff was taken off. I'm not sure it's the best patch from a mechanical perspective. (ok, I know it's not) but it replaces a spot on the hull where a previous attempt at repair had sanded through, creating a hole. The hole was about 1/3 of the way in from the right edge of where the patch is now. As well as replacing that bit, the patch reclaims some (not all) of the normal curvature you'd expect to see in a hull - there were some flats and then too-sharp curves which have been somewhat normalised.

If I remember correctly from when Werner Kahl, (late boatbuilder from Stampfli) showed me some things when he was repairing a Vancouver RC Stampfli 4-, the next phase, before continuing with external work, is to get all the internal structures rebuilt. That's going to require some careful work getting it all to go together straight, so that when I re-fix the skin to the framing where it has come loose, the boat is in its proper lines..

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